SEO for the Beginner

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SEO for the Beginner

Search Engine Optimization, commonly called SEO, works by improving a website and increasing it’s chances of being ranked high by various search engines, thereby increasing traffic and visitors to the site. Optimizing your site can help to ensure that your site is well structured and can also make it more friendly to visitors, not just search engines.

How to Optimize On-Site and Off-Site, for A Beginner

If you are optimizing your site for the first time, you may think that the whole process is complicated. This is not the case, since there are tools that will help you make your site have many viewers within a short period of time. You will also be able to know what is best for the site.

When working on the on-site part of it, start with the title tags.It is important that you put a lot of effort into it. You should have keywords that make sense at the beginning of the title tag. It is important that you have the branding name on the title tag, as it will add value to the message you are sending.

Next, you should have headings, and they need to be on different pages as this will put some emphasis on the keywords. Your content must be unique, and this means that you need to come up with headings and title tags that are also unique. On secondary terms, always use H2 headings.

The next thing you have to work on is the internal linking and cross link content that is related. Always ensure that you do not over use it. It should be used when you have more information on a certain topic. This is great if you are an ecommerce site that has related information for other useful products.

Looking at off-site, it helps in building links back to the site, and they are usually external links. It usually focuses on the keywords and the landing page. This will help the site be among those that have high rankings.

You have to always use the right anchors, because it helps online viewers to easily find the site. You can use blogs and forums to build links for your site. Link building is important, and you should have enough content on your site to make it functional and interesting.

Tools That You May Need

The first tool you will need is the search analytics tool. It will give you an overview of how the site is performing. It can also help you in coming up with marketing goals for your site.

There are also the competitive research tools, which will focus on the keywords of your competitors. This helps in providing ideas on the keywords to use. Keywords always play a major role when it comes to rankings.

The Link analysis tool is another one, and you will be able to begin building links. You will also be able to monitor how the site is performing. You can compare how your site and other sites are performing through it.

Do you have your own site, and what steps have you taken to make it better?

Author bio: Edwin is an avid marketer and writer currently working at Toronto ecommerce solutions and online marketing company 9th sphere. Edwin has a passion for great design and helping businesses succeed.


  1. Can you explain more about analytics tool?

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